What To Wear For A Family Photo Shoot


If you are investing your time and money in a photo shoot, it makes sense to spend some time and thought planning what to wear. This will results in a more polished, coherent and styled finish. Your photographs are creating a legacy for your children and grandchildren. You want to look your best.

So what should you wear?

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. For the ladies: choose your outfit first. If you feel good, you will photograph so much better as your confidence will shine through.

  2. Coordinate men/partners around your outfit with basic neutrals eg chinos, shirts etc. Choose colour palettes and similar tones that blend.

  3. A general rule of thumb to follow: if you are having a beach shoot, pastel colours work well eg soft blues, pinks and neutrals, if you are having a garden shoot, bolder, jewel tones work well eg, sapphire blues, reds, greens and purples (not all in one!). Avoid white for outdoor shoots. These tonal choice tend to work best with the colours in the landscape.

  4. Avoid obvious logos – these are distracting and date a photo quickly

  5. For outdoor shoots, consider footwear: make sure it doesn’t let the rest of the outfit down. Runners never look great. Think classic and timeless: boots, laceups, or even Converse. (For indoor shoots, I don’t often do full body shots, and when I do, I usually suggest bare feet.)

  6. Also for outdoor shoots, wear clothes you are happy to sit in, potentially on the ground.

  7. Have your family wear a variety of textures and natural fibre fabrics, eg wool, lace. If it’s winter, layer up with textures, eg wooly cardigans or shawls. Sheer fabrics like tulle photograph beautifully.

  8. Patterns can work if family members co-ordinate. Avoid conflicting prints or patterns.

  9. Remember your hands! Have a mani, so nails don’t look scruffy.

  10. Consider using a professional hair and makeup artist who understands how to obtain a natural look, which photographs well. There is an art to this. I work with a professional hair and makeup artist and offer this as an optional extra. I firmly believe that if you feel good about yourself, you will photograph better.

  11. Once you have chosen the family’s outfits, lay all outfits out on a bed and take it in. If you would wear all those colours in one outfit, they will photograph well.

  12. If you are unsure, talk to your photographer. They should be able to advise and guide you if you need help and even suggest places to go shopping.

  13. Rules are made to be broken, and photos should express who you are.  If you want to dress differently then go for it! Let your individuality shine!

 Below are examples of tones, fabrics and textures that have been considered and coordinated.

Susan Bradfield